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Job Searching? Consider Company Culture.

A corporation’s culture is its personality. It is the shared beliefs (Values, Vision and Mission). This unique way an organization sees the world and acts should be a part of your job search. If your beliefs mirror your company’s, success is sure to follow.

After you have narrowed your search to a list of companies meeting your basic needs, answer the following questions:

1. What does the company value?

  • Values, Vision and Mission are often listed on company websites.

  • What makes the employees proud to be working there?

  • What are the company’s current and future aspirations?

2. How does the company encourage learning?

  • Consider how you learn best?

  • Does the company admire teamwork or individual research?

  • Is open dialogue even an option? According to a 2015 Strengths at Work survey, 78% of employees who have meaningful discussions with their managers about their strengths feel their work is making a difference and is appreciated.

3. How quickly does the company expect you to get acclimated?

  • Is there a grace period?

  • What is the company’s productivity goal for your department?

  • What types of people seem to succeed in this position?

Determining a company’s culture will greatly affect your likeliness to stay with an organization.

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