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EHD Tech Celebrates President's Day

President's day was first celebrated in 1952 and is celebrated in most of the U.S. as a holiday in honor of George Washington's and Abraham Lincoln's Birthdays. When are their actual Birthdays?

George Washington Birthday: February 22, 1732

Abraham Lincoln's Birthday: February 12, 1809

The month with the most presidential birthday's is October and the most sparse is a tie between June and September. Do you share a Birthday with any past U.S. Presidents?

R2C1John Adams R2C2October 30 1735

R3C1Thomas Jefferson R3C2April 13, 1743

R4C1James Madison R4C2March 16, 1751

R5C1James Monroe R5C2April 28th, 1758

R6C1John Quincy Adams R6C2July 11, 1767

R7C1Andrew Jackson R7C2March 15, 1767

R8C1Martin Van Buren R8C2December 5, 1782

R9C1William Henry Harrison R9C2February 9, 1773

R10C1John Tyler R10C2March 29, 1790

R11C1James K. Polk R11C2November 2, 1795

R12C1Zachary Taylor R12C2November 24, 1784

R13C1Millard Fillmore R13C2January 7, 1800

R14C1Franklin Pierce R14C2November 23, 1804

R15C1James Buchanan R15C2April 23, 1791

R17C1Andrew Johnson R17C2December 29, 1808

R18C1Ulysses S. Grant R18C2April 27, 1822

R19C1Rutherford B. Hayes R19C2October 4, 1822

R20C1James A. Garfield R20C2November 19, 1831

R21C1Chester A. Arthur R21C2October 5, 1829

R22C1Grover Cleveland R22C2March 18, 1837

R23C1Benjamin Harrison R23C2August 20, 1833

R24C1William McKinley R24C2January 29, 1843

R25C1Theodore Roosevelt October 27, 1858

R26C1William Howard Taft September 15, 1857

R27C1Woodrow Wilson R27C2December 28, 1856

R28C1Warren G. Harding R28C2November 2, 1865

R29C1Calvin Coolidge July 4, 1872

R30C1Herbert Hoover R30C2August 10, 1874

R31C1Franklin D. Roosevelt R31C2January 30, 1882

R32C1Harry S Truman R32C2May 8, 1884

R33C1Dwight D. Eisenhower R33C2October 14, 1890

R34C1John Kennedy R34C2May 29, 1917

R35C1Lyndon B. Johnson R35C2August 27, 1908

R36C1Richard M. Nixon R36C2January 9, 1913

R37C1Gerald R. Ford R37C2July 14, 1913

R38C1Jimmy Carter R38C2October 1, 1924

R39C1Ronald Reagan R39C2February 6, 1911

R40C1George H. W. Bush R40C2June 12, 1924

R41C1William J. Clinton R41C2August 19, 1946

R42C1George W. Bush R42C2July 6, 1946

Barack Hussein Obama August 4, 1961R43C2 R43C1

Donald Trump June 14, 1946

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