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How to Prepare for a Lunch or Dinner Interview

Lunch or dinner interview skills are important. They should be prepared for and followed up with in the same manner as other types of interviews. In addition, follow the advice below.

1. Research the Restaurant

  • Confirm restaurant location.

  • Do not be late. Become familiar with the area traffic during the time of day of interview and plan to arrive 15 minutes early.

  • Find menu online and know what you want to order. This way you can focus on the conversation and appear to be decisive.

  • Avoid messy foods, refrain from making substitutions, stay clear of the most expensive or inexpensive items on menu and research table manners.

2. Select Wardrobe

  • Even if the restaurant is casual, dress to impress.

  • Wear a business suit jacket for inside or outside dining. You can always remove. Can you reach across the table with ease?

  • Be mindful of a windy day. You may want wear long hair back and not wear a dress.

  • Does the restaurant have white or black linens? Wearing light pants or dress with dark linens may leave lint and visa versa.

3. Research the Attendees and Company

  • Ask who will be attending the lunch interview. LinkedIn is a great tool and this is not the time to connect with the attendees on Social Media.

  • Consider how you can establish a rapport with the attendees.

  • Be sure you can articulate how your values align with the company's.

  • Prepare a list of questions for interviewer(s).

4. Greetings

  • Greet promptly with eye contact, smile and a firm and not over-bearing handshake.

  • If you are the first to arrive, you may be seated at the table.

  • If you have not met the attendee(s) previously, you may ask for a business card.

  • Do not give your business card unless asked. Typically, if you ask for their card, they will ask for your card.

Good luck and call 615-953-1907 to be put in contact with an EHD Tech recruiter in your area.

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