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Why Join Your Industry's Association

Finding additional time in your day is difficult, but, joining your local or national industry's association will likely gain you many more benefits. Consider joining an industry association for the following reasons-no pep rallies required.

Expand your network and reputation.

It goes without saying that you will meet new people. In business, who you know and what they think of you is important. You never know when you may need assistance in making a sale, finding a job, getting a recommendation and so on. Also, outside companies often will contact industry associations to locate professionals. Clients may find you easier through an association directory, but, your industry membership says that you take your business seriously enough to spend time outside of office hours to learn more about your industry and improve best practices.

Learn new skills.

Associations will often have lectures and discussions regarding industry trends. You can gain business acumen or training that you may not be able to learn from simply reading. This knowledge can put you ahead of competitors not involved.

Get insight on professional development.

Professional development is not all about finding a new employer. Learn while learning from conferences, meetings or key note speakers sessions not open to the public.

Be (or find) a mentor.

Give back to your industry by sharing what you have learned with others. Sharing the lessons of your career path will not only assist and inspire others, but reflect well on you. On the other side, finding a mentor from an association may be easier than randomly contacting an industry professional.

Advocate the industry.

Directly help protect your industry. Are there laws, regulations or policies that prevent your company from growing to its full potential? It can vary from legislative support to helping with a fundraiser. Be a voice not an echo.

Group purchasing discounts.

Many large, local or nationwide industry associations secure discounts on business-related products and services, solely based on their membership numbers. Everything from car insurance, health care programs and office supplies are offered at a better price than what you would find on your own.

Staffing Associations, State Automotive or Manufacturing Associations, Better Business Bureaus or your local County or City Chamber of Commerce welcome new members and are always willing to assist their members. Take advantage of everything industry associations have to offer.

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